After listening to ‘Momento Mori’ composed by Chellcy Reitsma, the themes of beauty in life, adversity in life and death seem interlinked. They are jammed into a subverted vintage style where the songs morph out of and into American folk by way of blues and alt-rock in a way that makes the music feel grand but intimate at the same time. It is a voyage of discovery; every piece of music memorably gifts different norms and urges the listeners to think, to reflect, on the nice things in life and how it is possible to rise after making a mistake or two. The first song of the album is “Dark Times”. The lyrics get even more concentrated now around one singer whose voice gets lost sometimes behind a rough microphone’s echo. The song speaks about all the difficulties and the even more striking emotions which take forever. The next track takes over before the previous one is finished but it is easier and darker. It refers not to pessimistic ideas but points out deeper meaning which relates struggle within a person and their regular life adversities. In one of the songs, the one entitled “Dark Times”, life is explained as taking 7 days up as a smoother of life stress and gives a sense of freedom. It takes in the feeling that comes about when spontaneity meets the chaos of life.

Originally titled “Boat to Nod”, the poems are so moving and so tender that one can call them a treasure since they are composed of eternal and time-related thoughts. “Sad Lullaby” should probably be neglected and some caution is advised while listening to the same. It combines supplements of lyrics with gentle striking notes which together cause great agony. “To My Surprise” also has an upbeat message. The arguments presented in the lyrics reveal the fun rhythm of the song whereas challenges are portrayed as enhancing factors. “Death’s At The Door” has an equally strong and emotional feel. Considered to be one of the best tracks in the album, Chellcy’s harsh vocals combined with aggressive music conduct the overall sound. The song “Phoenix Fly” on the other viciously wants to feel new over and over again. This song perfectly embodies the idea of recreation thanks to the powerful vocals and lively arrangement.
“Violet Flame” simply provides a light-hearted so that gentle instruments and calm lyrics enable the audience to take a break from the harsh subjects under discussion. And now, folks, we are coming down with the big bang as the closing tracks are titled “Boat to Nod” (Reprise). I am sure many of you will jump with joy as it represents an even more positive variation from the previous track. It leaves one feeling as if they’ve said their goodbyes, and are in perfect harmony, ready to move forward. In the end, I must say Chellcy Reitsma has indeed created a wonderful album in the form of ‘Momento Mori’, having an eternal imprint in the hearts of the listeners, and making them reflect on life as well as its imperfections. Strong feelings Hispanic-Chelsea Reitsma synthesis – fans of retro styles will find something to enjoy here.
Follow Chellcy Reitsma on Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Also Visit her Official Website