Navigating Nerdom Drake’s ‘Scary Hours 3’ and the Quest for Authenticity in Rap

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Drake, known for his multifaceted persona, emerges as a rap enthusiast and self-proclaimed nerd on his latest release, “Scary Hours 3.” However, this EP, presented as an addition to the deluxe edition of “For All The Dogs,” attempts to reposition Drake within rap’s diverse landscape, catering to devoted fans and hardcore enthusiasts who may have questioned his authenticity in the past.

Despite his initial announcement of taking a break, Drake swiftly returns, accompanied by a dramatic teaser trailer justifying his decision. The EP, though longer than its predecessors, lacks the infectious appeal of hits like “God’s Plan” or the raw intensity of “Wants and Needs.” Instead, it seems to carry the strategic aroma of streaming bait, strategically bundled with an expanded deluxe edition. Drake navigates through various beats, featuring renowned producers like Conductor Williams, The Alchemist, and ovrkast, demonstrating an unexpected connection to the emerging underground scene. Noteworthy moments include Drake’s collaboration with The Alchemist on “Wick Man” and his embrace of unconventional flows, as seen on “The Shoe Fits,” revealing a side less typical of the world’s most famous rapper.

The EP, however, takes an unexpected turn with a feature from J. Cole on “Evil Ways,” presenting Drake as a serious lyricist worthy of deep reflection. Yet, Drake’s strained wordplay and overused similes cast a shadow over his attempt to be seen as a thoughtful wordsmith. The EP’s closing track, “You Broke My Heart,” stands out as a triumphantly vindictive anthem where Drake, over sweeping strings, repeats the mantra “Fuck my ex.” This track, a departure from the EP’s lyrical aspirations, highlights Drake’s ability to deliver emotionally charged narratives. While “Scary Hours 3” aims to reinforce Drake’s lyrical prowess and unrivaled dominance, it instead reveals a sense of desperation. Drake’s reluctance to step out of the limelight suggests an artist uncomfortable without constant attention, shaping and controlling public perceptions. Even when engaging in petty shots and revisiting old feuds, Drake remains adept at having the last word, a testament to his enduring influence.

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