Bernard Dunaux and Chris Kaye founded The Orange Clouds, a Los Angeles-based music group, in 2022. They make a special kind of music that mixes alternative and pop styles with a psychedelic sound, making it unique and interesting. The Orange Clouds’ new song, “Strange Life”, shows off their unique style. It has a strong dance beat, catchy melodies, and lyrics that people can relate to. It’s a cheerful summer song that’s already playing on many US radio stations, which means it could become very popular.

The Orange Clouds have released “Strange Life”, their third song in three months, showing how productive they are and how well they fit into the pop/alternative music scene. The catchy beat and positive message make it a wonderful summer song that fans of the genre will love. The song “Strange Life” talks about how life is unpredictable and beautiful. It tells listeners to keep moving and dancing through the positive and challenging times. The chorus repeats the catchy phrase, “It’s a strange life, so keep on dancing”, which sums up the song’s joyful and thoughtful mood.
The Orange Clouds made a song that’s not only fun to listen to but also meaningful and relatable. “Strange Life” is now available on all music streaming services and has the potential to become a big hit, attracting many new fans to the band.
Follow The Orange Clouds on Spotify and Instagram. Also visit their Official Website